What is Happening to Bring About the Changes
Copyright © 1986-2025- All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced without written permission from the author - Chyenne Morning Star

“O Great Mother of the Waters.  May You be well and healthy this day. Thank you for your Life that blesses us all. We send our thoughts of love, peace, healing and gratitude to You. Gratitude for giving life, to all the living and growing things, trees, birds, animals, plants and humankind.  There would be no songs to sing, love to give, or the Dance of Life on the Sacred Dance Ground of our Mother, the Earth. Thank You for healing us, comforting us and cleansing us. Thank You for causing to be and the beautiful manifestation of your matter form and sharing your gifts with us. May You be healed and made whole again, pristine and pure for the benefit of all life.  May You be blessed this day and all the days of your being.”
Blessing the Waters
There are many forces at this time that are trying to hinder the progression of spiritual maturity of the human race and its relationship to our Mother the Earth. These anti-divine forces are using everything within their power to control and manipulate the human family, the Earth Mother and all Her children. It is happening on every level of being in the visible and invisible realms.  There are methods to affect the physical body, the feeling body and the thought body to accomplish nefarious intent.  And all these methods are intrusive into one's personal space and affect our natural genetic progression toward evolving into spiritual adulthood.

Our bodies are human and we are not created for such intrusive methods.  I have always seen this as coming down to AI versus what makes us human - AI versus the feeling world that makes us who we are.  For instance, one can take a living organism, a living consciousness and program it with AI and totally change it into something that will cause harm, say a virus or bacteria.  These nefarious methods been around for thousands, maybe millions of years and will be difficult to overcome and have already  infiltrated, infected many. I think some will overcome this and some will not and the battle between the two will continue.  I don't think there will be an overnight resolution.  There is still free choice.

Our genetics are made up of Mother Earth Goddess Gaia Sophia. She is our Mother as we are born of the Earth and Her Essence. But I also believe there is another aspect of this in the Universe view of things. There is one Great Mother and out of Her Consciousness all things were birthed into infinite consciousnesses expressed in infinite forms of duality. I have seen a Great Mind as the Universe and Beyond and out of that one Great Mind dreamed infinite universes, galaxies, beings, forms we are not aware of.  One Mind with infinite thoughts manifesting, dreaming many others into manifestation.

However, there are forces that have set themselves up as Gods and have already manipulated our DNA for their own purposes, setting themselves up as what people believe to be Gods, when in fact they have taken what is organic and originated in pure, spirit form from the Mind of the Ancient Mother and imitated what only She can create out of Her own Consciousness. I have known this for a very long time with visions and through intuitive thought.

One can just look at what's going on and see that the one thing that is missing is the foundation of the True Organic Essence of the Divine Mother. There is very little true foundation because we have all been lied to in almost every area of our lives. The only thing we can trust is our connection with our Sacred Self and our Mother the Earth which leads to greater understanding of the Ancient Mother of the Universe.  She feeds us, clothes us, gives us shelter, heals us and offers us everything we need, and when we Create with her elements with Her, as Her, magical things can happen.

In the beginning, all lived in peace and harmony. We communicated with the plants, animals, crystals and all beings here on this Planet. There was no need to kill, harm or enslave anything, even the ones who live in the Telluric realm, all lived in peace. We exchanged energy, thoughts and the helping of one another evolve. Until one day, beings from another planet decided to take the Earth and make Her their own. So they enslaved us, controlled us, dominated, killed, raped, lied to us and brought these intents with them and these things are increasing at this time, for this was not so in the beginning. They set themselves up as Gods and the innocent Earth beings who were already living here believed them. Technology, AI and genetic manipulation are killing our natural enlightening process. We were supposed to live thousands of years, maybe more evolving with the rhythms of the Earth Mother. But this process has been interrupted and our life span manipulated so we will never know how that would have turned out. It would have been an interesting time.

So now with so much AI control and infiltration of beings from other planets fighting still for control of Her, it is out of control. Our Ancient genetic history is of the Earth and I am speaking about before any off planet beings visited here. I am speaking about the Pure Earth People who were seeded here out of the Mind of the Ancient Mother.  We were not born with AI 'parts'. We are losing our humanity and our connection with our Mother the Earth. AI is seeing to that and using humans to accomplish their will. If we lose our connection to our Mother the Earth and Her Sacred Essence, we will have lost everything. However, those who have been seeded with Her Sacred Essence will go on and carry these seeds with them into other worlds. 

My point is the way to disconnect AI is through our relationship with our Mother the Earth and Her magnetic energy. 

Everyone's foundations of what they thought were truth, or who they thought was God, are crumbling and people don't know where to turn. It is shaking a lot of people's ideas about who they are and what is really happening. As the truth starts to come out more and more, there will be more and more upsets and anger. No one likes to be lied to - about anything.

So let the Truth come forth and let the purity of the Sacred Waters wash away the lies and deceit brought upon us by forces that do not wish us well. And as this is happening, we will all be okay. Every individual must respond and deal with this in his or her own way, and do what they are called to do courageously and with hope.

There are those who are helping us who love us and the Earth Mother, too. There are seen and unseen forces that are watching over us, helping us and guiding us according to our individual soul purpose.  So I am hopeful and confident not only in the human ability and the inheritance from our Earth Mother, but also in those who are helping us as this time.

Let there be Light. Let there be Love. Let there be Truth. Let there be Peace. Let us nurture our relationship with our Mother the Earth.

So shall it be, so it is by the Sovereignty of the Ancient Mother and all that is Sacred.