Chyenne Morning Star
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Good morning, Our Mother the Earth, how beautiful You are this lovely day,
There are infinite beings who love You and Your children very much. So on this day, we all gather together and send You thoughts of Love, Peace, and Well-being. May You be loved, honored, protected and cared for. May You be blessed with Love, Peace, and Gratitude for blessing us with Your beauty. And always, may You be beautiful, happy and free. As our thoughts weave together in prayer for You, may they create a lovely sound, singing for You and all things.
We will never stop loving You. We are born of You. You are our Mother and we thank you for giving life to all of us.
Peace, Our Mother the Earth and Your Children,
Chyenne Morning Star
The Killing of the Dolphins
Prayer for our Dolphin Families
May the Souls of these beautiful, majestic Beings be protected, guided to
their home world, healed of their trauma. May they know that there are
some of us who love them and are saddened by being taken from us and in
such a violent manner. May those that are helping from the other side, guide
them, comfort them, and bring them to a place of peace, compassion, and
healing. So shall it be, so it is by the Sovereignty of the Ancient Mother and
all that is Sacred.
Because the Soul does not die and continues into the spiritual realms, the experiences of the
Soul that are traumatic are imprinted in the Consciousness of all who experience them. What
is in the Mind of our Consciousness when we leave the physical body behind, is what we take
with us. Because the Soul is the continuity of Life with the only difference being that it has
dropped its physical body, there is still the need for assisting in the healing, well being of all
the Souls who have experienced traumas and violent deaths. This includes all Souls of infinite
forms of Life who have a Feeling Body.
One may not be physically able to help, or help monetarily, but one can offer prayers for healing and an end to this and all barbaric practices. All one needs to do is sit, focus on any issue, and Create the thoughts to bring peace and harmony once again to our beautiful Planet and Her children. There are many ways to help. Find that pathway that is yours and yours alone to contribute to the well being of Creation. Just the fact that one would take the time to bless and offer love, light, and prayers for the benefit of all things does make a difference. All the Universes are watching us. Will we show them what Humanity truly means evolving with the Earth Mother and Her Sacred rhythms of Life? Our blessings, prayers, and thoughts for well being mean so much and are so needed. The Ancients knew this, the Shamans of Old, the Medicine Teachers and the ones who communed with the elements and Nature every day. Let us not become a world of thoughtless, technically artificially minded, cold, and non-feeling people. Let us awaken that innate love, compassion and peace that is our sovereign birthright of the Earth Mother as Her children before it is too late.
They came from a distance. They came from a distance in the mist across the water, herded into an amphitheater of imminent slaughter. These Great Ones of the Sea and Distant Stars in the forms of Dolphins came to their death by the diabolical hands wielding spears, hooks, and knives. The mind of barbarism is still alive and executed the Messengers of the Sea. In ancient Greece, they were revered as Messengers of the Gods and to kill one of these sacred creatures was punishable by death - that is how hallowed these Beings were. They are considered Guardian Spirits, Protectors of the Waters, and bring us great joy in watching them play, raise their families, and teach us about the ways of the Waters, the Seas that are constantly birthing infinite forms of life. Yes. They are Magnificent Beings
The ancient Waters of the Sea and all who live within Her aqueous world, cried as they witnessed the violent death of their beloved Children, Brothers and Sisters. The Mother of the Sea could do nothing to stop this annual practice of senseless killing of Her Children. And as She watched the clothes of Her Waters dyed and stained with blood of Her offspring, it was imprinted in Her memory and the feeling of what the Dolphin families experienced. All things and Beings in the Universe witnessed this cruel and barbaric practice for the sake of tradition. The sounds and cries of suffering vibrating throughout the Universe was heartbreaking, affecting the emotions and Feeling Bodies of all living things.
In other ways, this is happening in all species of life that live with our Mother Planet, including
If this does not make us sad, mad, and heart-broken watching as our Sisters and Brothers
continually perish because of the lust for blood and destruction, then maybe our hearts have
become so hardened we cannot feel the emotion and compassion for all our Relations
Wake up everyone. No one likes to see the evil of diabolical things being done to the Earth
Mother and Her children. But if we do not open our eyes and see the truth that nefarious
forces seek and are succeeding to destroy almost everything that is beautiful, the Earth
Mother, Her children, the Sacred Feminine and the evolution of Humanity and our natural,
sovereign birthright to evolve into our original blueprint of our Humanity, growing with the
rhythms of the Earth Mother and the cycles of growing us into loving, spiritually mature
beings, we will lose the sanctity and sacredness of life.
So. On this day, Friday, July 29th, 2022, the Faroe Islanders, for the sake of their annual traditional kill, massacred 100 Dolphins in a most violent way, these Sacred Beings who carry ancient messages from other worlds that we will not hear now, were slaughtered - mothers, fathers, daughters and sons, swimming in the innocence of the Sea, desiring what we all desire - to live in peace and harmony, raise our families in joy and watch them grow, continuing the great cycle of life.
For more information to help and support the Dolphins and the Whales, click the link below