About the Website
Chyenne Morning Star
I have been asked why I chose to design this website with so much black. There are several reasons, but primarily because black is the ancient color of the Feminine.  It is the color of the Void, the Stillness from which all things come, Her Sacred Womb that births All Things, and the presence of all colors.  My writings are dedicated to all things Feminine. My Ancient Grandmother Light, the Sun Mother, my Earth Mother, all Mothers and my own Mother, too.  

We, the Feminine, the Women, are the nurturers.  It is part of our Spiritual DNA. The Feminine is Love and Compassion, Caring, Giving, Peace and Harmony. It is the Beauty Way.  It is the Ancient Way.  It is the Feminine Way.

And out of the Womb of the Darkness, comes infinite Light.  Out of the Darkness, out of Stillness, comes great Light and Creative force. And it is into the Darkness of introspection that we go to find out who we are and who we are not, shining Light on the shadows of our souls to illuminate the Truth.   Light and Darkness create balance. Light and Darkness create Love, Life, Living and Creative expression.  Light and Darkness create perfection and balance giving birth to all colors of life.

It is for these reasons I create using the colors Black and White.
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Good morning, Our Mother the Earth, how beautiful You are this lovely day,

There are infinite beings who love You and Your children very much. So on this day, we all gather together and send You thoughts of Love, Peace, and Well-being. May You be loved, honored, protected and cared for. May You be blessed with Love, Peace, and Gratitude for blessing us with Your beauty. And always, may You be beautiful, happy and free.  As our thoughts weave together in prayer for You, may they create a lovely sound, singing for You and all things.

We will never stop loving You. We are born of You. You are our Mother and we thank you for giving life to all of us.

Peace, Our Mother the Earth,

Although there are many Earth-like planets, there never has been or never will be another Earth Planet exactly like this One. From the moment She dreamed, thought Herself into manifestation, She was Unique. And it is because of the way She came to be that has made Her so.

From the moment of Her dreaming and thought of Herself, the energy imprints and blueprints of Her Physical Being, Feeling Being, and Thought Being were created, made at precise electromagnetic energetic moments.

And that is the case for all living beings on this Beautiful Planet. We are all unique and the moment of  our each individual creation is ours and ours alone. When you were created, there is no other you. You are unique and beautiful as She is unique and beautiful.

There is no other like Her. And I am happy about that. Uniqueness is fascinating and uncommon. If everything was the same, it would be boring and commonplace. So how blessed and fortunate we are to have such an environment in which to grow, dream, co-create with Her, evolving into spiritual perfection in Beauty and Peace. This is a beautiful thing.
She is Unique
Only after the last tree is cut down,

Only after the last river has been polluted

Only after the last fish has been caught,

Only then will mankind realize that money cannot be eaten

Native American Prophecy - Author Unkown

Is this what it is going to take?
Know Who
You Really
There have been many people that
have been in my life - some who are
close to me - some just passing
through - telling me they know who I
am, who I have been and who I will
be.  They base this assumption on
their intuitive knowing.  You are this
or that, or here or there, so they have
However, not one has been correct. 
Only you in communication with your
Divine Self can know who you really
are, your relationship to your Mother
the Earth, your purpose in life and
beyond, the truths to be revealed to
you in your consciousness and how to
blossom into Light.
It is only by walking this Inner Sacred
Path that you will discover who you
truly are.
The most arrogant thing mankind or any being seen and unseen can do is underestimate the power of the Earth Mother and Her regenerative, vibrating Spirit.
Chyenne Morning Star
This website was created to share and inspire you to develop a relationship of Peace with All Things, Creating your own Spiritual experiences. It was created to awaken you to search, seek, and explore the endless realms of awareness in your innermost place, and uniqueness of being, spiraling toward Spiritual maturity connecting with the Heart of the Ancient Mother.
This website was also created because the Wildness, the peaceful solitude of the Wilderness is disappearing by those whose greed is overriding and overtaking all in its path. I wanted to express my journey in a voice with the Spirit Mother and Her many faces and expressions before they are seen no more in the manifestation as we know it. And, perhaps to bring about a change and get more people involved and interested in healing and loving Her. And maybe thoughts of Love expressed by those who Love Her, respect Her and wish Her well-being will be read by those who want to remember.
What you read within these pages is but one ever spiraling vision journey, It is the Seen and Unseen through the eyes of my own uniqueness of Soul, my vibrational imprint on the the web of Life dedicated to and for the benefit of all. It is my experience, therefore it is part of a knowing the same Mind within us all.
The experience of being nurtured at the breast of our Mother, our Spirit Mother and our Earth Mother is the greatest experience of Love one will have ever known. It is the experience of touching, tender moments in the arms of the Great Mother and the teaching She offers every day to 'grow us' into Spiritual Adulthood.  To miss this opportunity, one will have missed an opportunity that teaches a Great Peace and Knowing of All Life, and becoming an expression of the understanding of Beauty. Everything that is in the World of Matter has a face in the Spiritual World. The Living World of Matter is an extension of the Spiritual World, a manifestation of Spirit Beings. As above, so below. As below, so above.
The Earth Mother shows us the many faces of Her children, May we open our eyes and see what is within us and around us. May we awaken with eyes and hearts toward Love, Peace, and Joy toward one another and our Mother, the Earth and All Her children. We are not alone, for the unnumbered faces of our Sisters and Brothers, Seen and Unseen, are watching and awaiting the outcome of their destiny also. Our Earth Mother has given us Life. Let us be thankful for the opportunity to be a human being, an opportunity to manifest the Spiritual natures of our Sacred Mother.
This website is but one expression of my journey toward Spiritual Maturity. It is my Spiritual experience seen through the eyes of my Soul.
It is my hope that each of you will find the Path of Great Peace and manifest it in your Well Being as you continue your journey of Life in Light, Love, Peace, and All good things for the benefit of All Beings.
Wind Song