Sacred Space Journal
Copyright © 1986-2025 - Chyenne Morning Star
  I have kept journals for many years. They are written journeys of thoughts and Spiritual dialogue between Great Mother and Father and myself. I have had no traditional training, only that which has been spoken to me in my Sacred Space - my Inner most Being.

     Ever since I can remember I have always been conscious of my Sacred Space. My first Sacred Space was a little closet when I was about five years old. The clothing racks were low and my parents hung a blanket over one of them creating a secluded space behind the 'curtain."  I have a space in my home that I have  consecrated for the purpose of meditation, the Silence, but I am also referring to the Sacred Space that is in our Inner-Most Being. A state of being in the Center of my Center. It is where the dialogue of Spirit to Spirit happens. This is a Sacred and Holy thing.  I love the calling together of the Sacred Mother, the Four Great Directions, and all my relations visible and invisible to participate in that moment. It is an honoring and respecting of Mother Light and all Her life forms of the created, and our Ancestors.  I love setting this space and preparing the ritual of inviting all to join me in that time.  And when all come together in that infinite space of being, there is nothing like the sweetness of this gathering together and sharing. Time becomes no time, space becomes no space.  And the Oneness envelopes itself into the whole.

     It is in this space great wisdom is imparted from the Sacred Mother, and knowledge is gathered from the Four Winds and the Elders and it is there we are taught what we need to know.  Sometimes the teaching comes in the voice of the Mother Earth, Ancient Cosmic Parents, or Ancient Grandmother, sometimes one of the Direction Spirits, or one of my Ancestors, a Leaf, a Stone Person, or any one of my Relations. It is there Mother Creator and I live in the Center of my Being, and it is there we share only those intimate things one cannot express.  It is there Mother Light calls me by my Spirit name. It is there we open ourselves to each other and expand the Light and expose the Darkness. It is there we create peaceful thought forms for all.

I have always been a private person and somewhat reclusive. By publishing these writings, I am sharing with those who are seekers to touch the edges of a Sacred Space. But as in all Sacred Space, there are boundaries. To go to the infinite depths of the innermost being of someone would be transgressing into  the Sacredness of the intimacy between the Divine  and the individual. I share as much of myself as I am allowed. Some things one just can't share or have the words to express adequately the intimacy that takes place in the innermost being of oneself.
Our souls have many expressions because of our many lifetimes and our  DNA in the present incarnation.  One of the  expressions in this life is Indian.  The feather in my hair is from the Dove, symbol of the Feminine and Peace.  The red in the part of my hair is for Mother Earth. I wear my heart for all to see.  I wear the Lightning Snake and Moon on my face.  I soar, I see, I listen, my consciousness expanding  into Light.